sitemap Katsucon 2007 photoshoot - Various Friday photos part 2

Katsucon 2007

Assorted friday photographs Part 2

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Aside from a few outdoor shots from intrepid (and cold) cosplayers, most of these were in the hallways, which isn't an ideal place for shots, but it works.

Anyway, you can find Friday highlights here and in part 1 Thanks to everyone who posed, and I'll do my best to get the Saturday pics up in short order


I know, I know - boo soft focus, but sadly, but it makes a decent shot and the original was a little soft to begin with...


Showing their extreme hardcore cosplayer nature...


Bonus geek points for whoever gets this...










I was wondering why a) there was so little parking at katsucon and b) the dealer's room looked like an underground parking lot. Do the math...














Contrast: this "awww" moment...


...versus this one.






They're kinda tired now, but you'll meet them all in another gallery.

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