sitemap Otakon 2008, Baltimore, Maryland cosplay photoshoot - asdf



Otakon 2008 cosplay photoshoot

Bloodsin as The lurker

Source: Silent Hill: Homecomming

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Along with the Pyramid Head shots, we also had this creepy crawler costume to shoot. This dude was a trooper - suit covered in non-breathable rubber, face covered, in the summer in an un-airconditioned stairwell for photos. That takes dedication, not to mention a lot of liquids, and because of it, we managed to get some fun photos. Kinda noisy due to low light, but that low light, with a little work, can be used as grain for a look that fits the Silent Hill look. Anyway, it was fun and I'm glad he didn't die, since I get to share these photos without the lingering doubts of his death haunting me forever. Thanks to Bloodsin for enduring the elements, and enjoy the photos.






Most terrifying "OMNOMNOM" lolcat ever...








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