sitemap Sept 29, 2007 - Hogwarts and friends photoshoot, Osgoode Hall - Kiyo-Chan's photoshoot

Hogwarts and friends cosplay photoshoot, Osgoode Hall, Toronto

Kiyo-Chan as... well someone angelic

Source: Mythology as old as time

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Okay, this shoot is a bit short, mainly because I spend more shots pairing Kiyo-Chan with Meaghan to get that angel-devil dichotomy. Oh, and sadly Kiyo-Chan's wings didn't last, so she's close to lady justice in these shots, which is kinda appropriate given that we're in front of the law society.

Lots of pedestals, big dramatic poses, and beautiful architecture in the shoot made for a nice set of pics in the "epic" category. Thanks to Kiyo-Chan for perching on narrow ledges while blindfolded, and enjoy the pics...


Yay for polarizers, boo for cloudless days making shots nasty hard.






Guilty... of being in epic photos [grin]

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