sitemap Sept 29, 2007 - Hogwarts and friends photoshoot, Osgoode Hall - Group photos

Hogwarts and friends cosplay photoshoot, Osgoode Hall, Toronto

Group photos with the Sorceror Scouts...

Source: Harry Potter

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The last set posted, here's some pics of the hogwarts gang in action. Okay, in the "action" of standing about for group photos, and occasional spinning, but you get the idea. Bright sunlight played havoc, like it did for much of the shoot, but overall, we got some nice group shots in, both serious and fun. Fun for all, I hope. I'm not super-happy with my group photo skills, mind you - something I have to work on I guess. Still, we've got a few highlights to share here.

Thanks again to everyone, and enjoy the pics...



I guess Gilly wasn't thrilled with this setup...


Study session in the garden...


Apparently that card isn't so good... uh-oh...


Was it something he said?


And really, I think we're all safer when they're behind bars...




Hey, if you're wearing a cloak, you might as well enjoy twirling in it...



I'm sure there's a crossover fic out there somewhere...

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