sitemap Maral's cosplay photoshoot - Mata Hari at Edwards Gardens



Edwards Gardens costuming photoshoot,

September 14, 2008

Maral as Mata Hari

Source: Historical



Sometime much earlier in the year Maral approached me and mentioned she was interested in a shoot. About four months later we finally managed to get a weekend to line up. Not sure of a location we tried out Edwards Gardens, which was a bit depleted from being late in the summer, but still provided a nice backdrop. On a personal end, this shoot was a good experience because of two difficulties combining - namely, my flash diffuser had broken and I didn't have anyone else to hold my reflector, meaning I had to rely a lot more on off-camera flash to get the fill light on a sunny day. And wow, it was sunny - what started as a grey day quickly turned into a really hot summer day, so the fill work was very much needed, and thankfully having only one person to shoot meant I had the time to play around a bit.

On the Maral end of things, she was sporting a re-creation of Mata Hari's costume and was great at giving lots of neat poses to work with. Fortunately, nobody was arrested or executed for espionage as a result; instead, we just got a bunch of cool pics, and I had a hard time narrowing them down, so you'll see them all below.

Thanks to Maral for spending an afternoon with me for the shoot, and enjoy the photos.




The fountain had already been drained, but it provided a mainstay as a background.




























Though we had to time it to keep people out of the background, the staircases made for wonderful background elements.



















