sitemap BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger cosplay photoshoot - Paired Photos



BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger cosplay photoshoot

Hikari Light as Ragna the Bloodedge and

Crimson As Noel Vermillion

Source: BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger

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The final set for this shoot was two characters from fighting games doing what they tend to do a lot of - namely, brandish weapons in each other's direction, or at least pose menacingly.

Taken on the steps of the local church, and on the Bloor Viaduct, we got some quick dueling poses in somewhat tight spaces and moved onward so as not to draw any more attention than people holding giant swords downtown at rush hour normally do.

Thanks to these two for menacing each other in various exotic locales, and enjoy the photos.
















I love the atmosphere of this one...




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